
Mode of Admission:

The selection of admission is carried on the basis of individual’s aspiration and thrust for knowledge for their words. To get inducted in our school candidate is required to get through an admission entrance.

The admission is as per norms and guidelines of CBSE:

  • Required admission form is enclosed with this prospectus.
  • Form duly filled shall be submitted in office within due date.
  • Pre-request along with form:
  1. Birth Certificate (Aadhar, Hospital’s Certificate from any Nagar Nigam ete.)
  2. Latest P.P. Size photograph of student, mother & father.
  3. Transfer Certificate if joinıng in any class except PG/Nursery.



Academic Session:

We strictly follow the CBSE guidelines and on that basis our session starts April 1st to March 31st  of the next year.