Discipline for Students
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Discipline for Students
- All Students must come to the school regularly and punctually, for any absence due to some unavoidable reason, they have to submit leave application signed by parents.
- They must put on complete clean and well pressed uniform and polished shoes.
- They must attend classes regularly, participate in all activities and complete their homework & projects with due diligence.
- They must bring the school diary daily & maintain it regularly. students should show the instructions given in diary and get it signed by the parents on regural basis.
Parental Co-operation :
- Parents are requested to pay school fee in time.
- They are requested to send their wards regularly and punctually to school in proper uniform with books and stationary as prescribed by the school.
- If due to unavoidable reasons, their wards cannot attend the school, they must send leave application within three days. However they are requested not to send sick students to school. After reaching school, the,student will not be allowed to go home.
- They are requested to sign the diaries of their wards daily to ensure that their wards are doing their work regularly.
- They are requested to encourage their wards to participate in all activities, wherever they are asked for
- They are requested to sign the Report card of their wards and when ever required take suitable action to improve his/her performance.
- They are requested not to allow their wards to carry expensive watches, mobile phone or cash to school.
- They are requested to avoid any criticism of a teacher in the presence of their wards Should there be any ocasion for the same, they are welcome to discuss the progress and problem of their wards with the Principal on any working day wetween 9:30 am to I I :30 am. If necessary they may also see the teacher with the prior permission of the Principal. However, they are not allowed to go to classrooms, which will disturb other students of the class.
- They are requested not to ask teachers for private tuition since that is strictly prohibited.
Withdrawl :
- A student Inay apply a (‘Ginsfcr ccrtificatc after depositing the Prescribed Fees.
- Transfer certificate will be issued after the student has paid all dues of the school and Returned all articles as Library Books, Science and Game Material.
- Transfer certificate will be issued after three days of the receipt of the application
- Appearance in all Tests and Examination is compulsory.
- A minimum attendance of 75 % of the working days Of the school is compulsory for appearing in the final Examination.
- All students must carry & sport their Identity Card at all time